Train like an endurance athlete for long-term success as a leader

Sam chats with Ann Watson about the overlooked secrets of long-term performance we can learn from endurance athletes.


10/6/20231 min read

Sam chats with Ann Watson about the overlooked secrets of long-term performance we can learn from endurance athletes.

Business leaders love the gritty attitude of Ex-Navy SEALs but too often neglect the quieter, slower parts of peak performance; including periods of rest and recovery.

You don't have to live on the edge of burnout to accomplish your goals. Ann has a lot to say about how we get goal-setting wrong and what can be done about it. Sam is honored to publish this episode in anticipation of the Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute Coaches Conference this November. Ann and Sam will serve as presenters among an unprecedented number of presentations aimed at helping alumni give their best to their clients. This interview series is intended to provide context for each presentation topic and share the good that BECI creates through their alumni. Sam has also been releasing clips of these episodes. Connect with Sam and follow as you'll likely see some familiar faces soon!

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